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Updated 2024-10-07
Starting a GNU/Linux installation
GNU/Linux is currently available in the form of distributions. A distribution contains the operating system, i.e. GNU and Linux, along with other more or less useful software, usually including at least one graphical interface. To install it, all you have to do is download an installation image (*.iso) of the distribution you want, record it on a DVD or USB flash drive, start the computer from it and follow the instructions on the screen.
howtogeek How to get a bootable installation howtogeek How to record a USB flash drive

How to obtain an installable distribution is shown on various sites, even if you don't yet have GNU/Linux, for which a few indications are described below.
K3b Recording image on a DVD, with K3b dd Recording image on USB drive, with dd

The last pictures are taken from Fedora 34 MATE. If the distribution will be recorded on a USB flash drive, its letter must be found before writing to it with dd, as shown in the picture above. If the hard drive's letter is sda and there is only one USB drive, then its letter is likely to be sdb and the image can be recorded as shown below.

su -c 'dd if=Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live-x86_64-34-1.2.iso of=/dev/sdb'

su -c 'dd if=ROSA.FRESH.LXQT.12.2.i686.iso of=/dev/sdb'

DVD DVD with installation image DVD BIOS setting, acer laptop from 2005

USB flash USB flash drive USB flash BIOS setting
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