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Les PCCB - Aller plus haut
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invidious.lunar.icu (audio)
inv.nadeko.net (audio)
yt.artemislena.eu (audio)
invidious.baczek.me (audio)
youtube.owacon.moe (audio)
invidious.fdn.fr (audio)
invidious.protokolla.fi (audio)
Other instances:
redirect.invidious.io (audio)
Program for downloading:
yt-dlp (documentation)
If you use Window$, you can download yt-dlp.exe and type this in the MS-DOS prompt:

yt-dlp 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/hUyHc-JFWtI'

Watch at youtube (^) (not recommended):

Youtube.com requires nonfree software (Javascript code) for normal use of the site; after changes Google made in August 2017, nothing is visible in a typical Youtube page without running its nonfree Javascript code.
However, it is ok to refer to the same videos on an offshoot of invidio.us; just make sure not to choose one that is "protected" by Cloudflare, since that sends its own nonfree software. This way of referring is probably fail-safe: it may cease to work, but it will probably not start leading people to run nonfree software. You don't need a special "platform" to post an audio or video on the Web. You can post an audio or video file on any web site. Just put up the WebM file and link to it as if it were an ordinary page. All graphical browsers can handle that.

I suggest that you don't watch the video with the browser, but download it with yt-dlp instead and play it from your hard drive, with a specialised program, particularly if you want to watch it more than once, because: So if you are concerned with global heating, pollution and exhaustion of Earth's resources, you should download all the videos you want to watch.
Les PCCB - Aller plus haut

J’ai tant caché mes différences
sous des airs ou des faux semblants.
J’ai cru que d’autres pas de danse
me cacheraient aux yeux des gens.
Je n’ai jamais suivi vos routes,
j'ai voulu tracer mon chemin.

Pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut,
où l’on oublie ses souvenirs.
Aller plus haut, aller plus haut,
se rapprocher de l’avenir.

J’ai perdu tant de fois la trace
des rêves brûlés que je vivais.
Je n’ai pas su te dire «je t’aime»,
seulement te garder.
Il faut aussi dire ses doutes
et les poser dans d’autres mains.

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et dessiner des souvenirs.
Aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et croire encore à l’avenir.

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et croire encore à l’avenir.

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et dessiner des souvenirs.
Aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et croire encore à l’avenir.


I hid my differences so much
under airs or pretenses.
I thought that other dance steps
would hide me from people's eyes.
I never followed your paths,
I wanted to trace my path.

To go higher, to go higher,
where you forget your memories.
Go higher, go higher,
get closer to the future.

I lost track so many times
of the burnt dreams that I was living.
I didn't know how to tell you "I love you",
just keep you.
You also have to say your doubts
and place them in other hands.

Go higher, go higher
and draw memories.
Go higher, go higher
and still believe in the future.

Go higher, go higher
and still believe in the future.

Go higher, go higher
and draw memories.
Go higher, go higher
and still believe in the future.
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