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Никита Данько - Достучаться до небес
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yt-dlp (documentation)
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yt-dlp 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/YOnmxE8VM3U'

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Youtube.com requires nonfree software (Javascript code) for normal use of the site; after changes Google made in August 2017, nothing is visible in a typical Youtube page without running its nonfree Javascript code.
However, it is ok to refer to the same videos on an offshoot of invidio.us; just make sure not to choose one that is "protected" by Cloudflare, since that sends its own nonfree software. This way of referring is probably fail-safe: it may cease to work, but it will probably not start leading people to run nonfree software. You don't need a special "platform" to post an audio or video on the Web. You can post an audio or video file on any web site. Just put up the WebM file and link to it as if it were an ordinary page. All graphical browsers can handle that.

I suggest that you don't watch the video with the browser, but download it with yt-dlp instead and play it from your hard drive, with a specialised program, particularly if you want to watch it more than once, because: So if you are concerned with global heating, pollution and exhaustion of Earth's resources, you should download all the videos you want to watch.
Никита Данько - Достучаться до небес

Застели мне облака,
белым-белым – берега.
Мы с тобой два дурака
у рая.

Зацепились за края
у тетради на полях,
я не знаю, кто
она, такая.

Прямо в сердце без ножа.
не уйти, не убежать,
пусть танцует,
ей не жаль полмира.

Я спалю себя дотла,
подарю ей два крыла,
ведь она
меня взяла и отпустила.

Достучаться до небес однажды
и сказать ей, что я здесь и навсегда.
Кто ты, ангел, или бес – не важно.
Гори, гори, гори, моя звезда.

Кто ты, ангел, или бес – не важно.
Гори, гори, гори, моя звезда.

Застели мне облака,
чтобы я тебя узнал
в отражениях зеркал.

Вот она, любовь моя.
Нас осталось: ты да я.
Нас осталось: ты да я,
Два солнца.

Я не знаю, кто она.
Та танцует по волнам,
беспокойная большая

Но когда она легка
засыпает на руках,
этот мир мне тоже
будет сниться.

Достучаться до небес однажды
и сказать ей, что я здесь и навсегда.
Кто ты, ангел, или бес – не важно.
Гори, гори, гори, моя звезда.

Кто ты, ангел, или бес – не важно.
Гори, гори, гори, моя звезда.

Застели мне облака,
белым-белым – берега.
Мы с тобой два дурака
у рая.


Cover me with clouds,
white-white – shores.
You and I are two fools
near Paradise.

Caught on the edges
of a notebook at the margins,
I don't know who
she is, like that.

Straight to the heart without a knife.
Don't leave, don't run away,
let her dance,
she doesn't pity half the world.

I'll burn myself to the ground,
I'll give her two wings,
because she
took me and let me go.

Reach out to heaven one day
and tell her that I'm here forever.
What are you, an angel, or a demon – doesn't matter.
Burn, burn, burn, my star.

What are you, an angel, or a demon – doesn't matter.
Burn, burn, burn, my star.

Cover me with clouds,
so I can recognize you
in the reflections of mirrors.
Wake up!

Here she is, my love.
Only two of us are left: you and me.
Only two of us are left: you and me,
two suns.

I don't know who she is.
She dances on the waves,
restless big

But when she lightly
falls asleep on her hands,
this world of me too
will dream.

Reach out to heaven one day
and tell her that I'm here forever.
What are you, an angel, or a demon – doesn't matter.
Burn, burn, burn, my star.

What are you, an angel, or a demon – doesn't matter.
Burn, burn, burn, my star.

Cover me with clouds,
white-white – shores.
You and I are two fools
near Paradise.
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