Ivana smeunčević - Nek' živi ljubav Stiže proljeće, sve u meni pjeva, Moje čarobne sunce prekriva dan A u srcu se budi jedna želja: Da ljubav bude nam putokaz, Da bude bori svijet pod nas. Vjetru šapućem, želim da je nosi, Neka dotakne sve što diše i zna. U skupa možemo naći put ka sreći. Ta srcem vođe, ni možemo sve S tvojiti svjetove čarobne. To budi ljubav, u srcu spava; pusti da živi, Neka zavlada svijetom, to dječji je san. Nek' živi ljubav, svima nam treba, najljepša, čista, Kao sunce što sija u srcu djeteta. --- Spring is coming, everything in me is singing, My magical sun covers the day And one wish awakens in the heart: For love to be be our guide, To be fighting the world below us. I whisper to the wind, I want him to carry it, Let it touch everything that breathes and knows. Together we can find the path to happiness. With the heart of a leader, we can't do everything With your magical worlds. That awakens love, it sleeps in the heart; let it live, Let it rule the world, that is a child's dream. Long live love, we all need it, the most beautiful, pure, Like the sun that shines in a child's heart.