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   Curriculum Vitae [ITALIANO]

                              Curriculum Vitae

   You can make a Curriculum bullet-proof, by beginning it with a strong
   hardware-level statement:

always @ ( posedge  clock  )
 status <= ~status ;

   [syntax: Verilog HDL]


   I'm Simon Hasur, male, born 1989, in Europe (Hungary).
   After having clamorously failed in everything I've ever tried, together
   with a disastrous school career, I came to the programming of
   simulators, initially in Matlab, then in C and then in C++ . I started
   by making some 2D, then 3D driving simulators, and so familiarized a
   bit with the 3D rigid-body dynamics: with and without constraints, to
   simulate either single independent, or articulated bodies.
   I soon got particularly interested in the Lagrangian Dynamics and its
   use to simulate numerically the motion of 3D articulated mechanisms.
   Since it was not a popular method at the time, it was poorly
   documented. So I started quite heavy research about it.
   Since my main interest was numerical simulations, I noticed that
   however good, the Lagrangian method was not too friendly in that
   context. So, I set out to to create a new flavour of the Lagrangian
   Dynamics: one that be much more friendly in the context of numerical
   methods and do not have the problem of critical configurations. I
   managed to do it thanks to my first theorem on Numerical Methods, which
   I deviced for this purpose.
   I then implemented a C++ module with it, which can simulate all 3D
   articulated bodies as long as they contain only typical joints:
   spherical, universal, prismatic, hinge ; and contains no closed chains
   of bodies. A module whose performance is (as one could well expect from
   Lagrangian Dynamics) proportional to the square of the number of
   degrees of freedom which the system has.
   My modified flavour of the Lagrangian Dynamics is also a bit simpler to
   understand, friendlier, than the original one. Therefore I hope to make
   Lagrangian Dynamics more popular than it is now, by making some
   tutorials on its new flavour.
   During the time I did these things, I progressively became interested
   also in Algorithms. And as soon as I came across the terrain-rendering
   method pioneered by Peter Lindstrom and published in 1996, I started
   original research to establish a terrain-rendering Algorithm based on
   the same triangulation-scheme, but one whose performance and memory
   usage be independent of the terrain's size.
   As a result, in the subsequent 2 years or so, I deviced 6 theorems in
   the field of Algorithms, which together make this possible. And form a
   complete theoretical framework to polygonally approximate, analyze,
   random-generate, and render in real-time terrains or surfaces in
   general : a theoretical framework whose meaning in the context of
   polygonal surface-approximation is around that of the Laplace-transform
   in the context of the theory and use of differential equations.
   The implementations of my terrain-rendering Algorithm's 3 flavours into
   computer program, written in C++, is released Open-Source.
   Detailed information can be found at my website:
   The most significant flavour of the Algorithm is the Height-data
   Injection Enabled Simplified Terrain System: which relies on my
   theorems 0, 2, 4, 5 on polygonal surface-approximation to function ;
   where the correct functioning is granted by theorem 6.
   Algorithms almost literally saved me: things weren't going too well for
   me in real life, where in fact I was nobody, and the only certainty
   which remained for me was the scientific method... ; but thanks to
   Algorithms, beside using that method, I also made a name for myself and
   created a purpose for my existance, which had been useless all the time
   Beside the heavy reasearch and discoveries it has lead to, I also made
   many videos concerning various from my fields of competence: this
   because scientific communication is crucial to make the theoretical and
   practical tools available to those who may benefit from them. Hope to
   do more in the future. I also made a remake of the first 3D driving
   video-game I had done many years ago: it's called New CTruck3D Rally,
   and it's released as open-source.
   Now I'm 26 years' old.

   Image not available. I recently came to the end of the nearly 7-year
   long degrading phase of a neurodegenerative illness ; because a cure
   was found to arrest or reduce to infinitesimal its worsening. I had
   noticed that a change had been going on in my personality during the
   past few months, probably due to heavy neural alterations ; and at the
   point the illness was stopped I was, de facto, already a new person.
   What was not altered anyway was the fact of being driven by a calling
   towards the scientific method.
   I noticed that what really had changed, beside a heavy change is
   personality, was that I did not hate mathematics so much anymore, and
   had a very strong interest in it, and that most of my many doubts about
   it seemed to have disappeared. Maybe the brain, in an attempt to resist
   to the degradation, had produced massive amounts of new neurons, which
   now, after the cure started to be administered, were fully equipped and
   ready to use: I can't be sure, but I like to think of it this way.
   I understood that I just had to apply the definition, and use the
   resources put together by the person I was before, and add my new ones.
   And go on solving problems and devicing methods like a Bulldozer pushed
   at maximum gas. Now not only in Algorithms, but also in Applied
   I realized that now, beyond Numerical Methods, I had a very strong
   interest also in the entire theoretical background of differential
   equations and all their applications.
   I wanted to contribute to it. So I took my first theorem on Numerical
   Methods, and realized that it could be used to device a very fast
   method to numerically simulate mid-oscillations (oscillations a bit
   larger than the small-oscillations) of dynamical systems. I deviced the
   method, and proved that it's correct, in my 2nd theorem on Numerical
   Methods. A theorem which defines, beyond the numerical method itself,
   also a very class of differential equations.
   Using these results, I plan to create soon a small software-package to
   do fast simulation of 3D articulated bodies exhibiting from small- to
   mid- oscillations.
   While creating detailed documentation and guide to the use of the
   articulated-body simulator I created years ago and reently released as
   free and open-source software, called Lagrangian Dynamics' New Flavour
   Simulations, I discovered and deviced also a theorem on Analytical
   Mechanics. Soon later, by revisiting the facts realtive to that and
   relative to my 2nd theorem on Numerical Mehods, I deviced my 1st
   theorem on Differentil Equations, which defines a class of differential
   equations of systems of them, which I called "polynomial systems",
   whose features are the ones which grant the correct and reliable
   funtining of the Lagrangian Dynamics' New Flavour Simulations
   simulator. That theorem and the theorem on Analytical Mechanics is
   discussed in part 2 (out of 3 of its documaentation- and guide- video
   and its written transcribtion (when it becomes available).
   Now I'm fiddling around with some special partial differential
   equations and am working on a 3rd theorem of mine on Numerical Methods.
   And on some new techniques of semi-realistic 3D animation, to use in
   videogames or plain 3D animations or scientific visualization.
   As to the development of videogames, I plan to do soon a new flavour of
   New CTruck3D Rally game: a variant set on a randomly generated terrain
   supported by the Heigh-data Injection Enabled New Terrain System
   algorithm I developed before. Recently, I became interested also in
   making 2-3 mini-games: using some of the new semi-realistic animation
   techniques I've been experimenting with lately.
   To conclude this presentation, I report one of the favourite quotations
   of the person I was before:
   "Given the state of our modern Heartbreak House, I fear a victory not
   of anyone's intelligence, but of the pig and the rat." (Andrew Hodges,
   'Alan Turing: the enigma' [1991])
   And a simplified scheme of how my activity went on in the different
   fields it dealt with:

                /---> Videogame development ----------------------------\
Videogames --->(                                                         )---> A
lgorithms   + Applied Mathematics <---- neural damage
                \---> Simulators ---> Numerical methods used in them ---/

   In the rest of this curriculum You find an ordered collection of short
   describtions, one for each problem or problem-area which I solved and
   deviced some computer-program with it: most of the describtions feature
   also a video which shows the things more directly, and go a bit more in
   detail than the describtions. After all, in scientific communication
   text, figures, formulas and even video footages feature togather
   because the communication must be as univocous, clear and priceise as
   possible. So why should it be too differently in a curriculum oriented
   to scientific activity?
   date: July 2015
   place: Lecco area, Italy

  Problems solved and programs written ( what burocratically is referred to as
  "Experience" )

   Follows a list of solved problems, presented in a templated form with a
   video and an impression-image at end of most sections.

  17 )
  Creation of a bunch of mini-videogames, all written in JavaScript ; which
  gradually I published on

      < FROM: 2016-09-01| TO: 2016-12-01>

   I made a bunch of mini-videogames, all written in JavaScript, which
   gradually I published on, at the following link:
   This because most of them are also example-programs featuring in my
   text-book on Programming, Math, Algorithmics and some Physics, which I
   am writing.
   Useless to say that I got graually an interest in dydactics, pedagogy
   and scientific divulgation: reason why I updated my website and opened
   in it 2 new sections: one which collects all my divulgative
   short-essays, and one containing my text-book entitled Applied
   Mathematics and it's Applications ; as far as it has gotten at the
   given date.

   video attachment n.17:

   image not available.

  16 )
  Exposition in a 68-minute video, of my 5-th theorem on Polygonal Surface
  Approximation, at the heart of the Height-Data Injection Enabled New Terrain
  System Algorithm

      < FROM: 2016-08-01| TO: 2016-09-01>

   I exposed in video my 5-th theorem on Polygonal Surface Approximation,
   at the heart of the Height-Data Injection Enabled New Terrain System
   Algorithm. An 68-minute exposure done with HD video and HD audio,
   featuring a cosiderable number of figures with some usage of colors to
   make it all more clear and involving. So that the overall product,
   thanks to the HD and color-faithful video technology, is really

   video attachment n.16:

   image not available.

  15 )
  Development of the FalansterCity3D urban environment renderer, fully written
  in JavaScript and using HTML5's standard 2D graphical library only, to make it
  compatible with all systems... just an Internet-browser is needed to run it

      < FROM: 2015-09-04| TO: 2016-10-01>

   Seen the compatibility prolems of the graphical libraries for the C and
   C++ programming-languages, I learned a more modern development tool:
   the JavaScript programming language, which through the HTML5 standard,
   interfaces excellently well with a simple HTML document. And runs on
   all systems as long as they have a common Internet-browser. Since it so
   feaures standard- input and output in real-time and also 2D graphical
   output with hardware-acceleration wherever available, this is a major
   step in the combatment against software-compatibility.
   I then developed a full 3D graphical library for JavaScript + HTML5.
   Besides 3D graphics, it does also other things... it's a true 3D
   urban-environment renderer, for whatever use one wants to make of it.
   It is called FalansterCity3D.
   And is fully open-source and can be tried directly, or be downloaded,
   from the following link.
   It can also be tried on my website, but check always the version-number
   as I tend to update more frequently the program's page on
   One can also try out routes in a cityside environment, as there a cars
   featuring semi-realistic physics.
   The most crucial thing about the whole product is that it uses my first
   theorem on 3D rendering to render curvilinear, 3D segments of roads.
   So, it does the seme things that did my older similar project, the "Map
   System" library, but it is more powerful and can display some
   simple-shaped building too, and detect collision of the
   semi-realistically simulated cars with them.
   It's also very fast, as thanks to that theorem, it can exploit
   Bezier-curves to render segments of multilevel networks of roads, at
   the modest cost of 4 polygons per each segment of road. Another theorem
   of mines gives the guidelines to design environments so as to enfoce
   always correct hidden-surface removal: something which can also be
   automated ( even though this feature is not implemented yet in FC3D as
   it's primarility designed for top-down view where the proplem of
   correct hidden-surface-removal is not defined as it comes out
   practically always corretly, by itself ).

   video attachment n.15:

   image not available.

  14 )
  Creation of detailed documentation for the L.D.N.F.S articulated-body
  simulator ; in form of video, as well as written text. While documenting, I
  also deviced my first theorem on Analytical Mechanics and one on Differential
  Equations: although the simulator doesn't need them as it relies only on my
  first theorem on Numerical Methods to function, these other 2 theorems come in
  very useful for a clearer and much more solid documentation on how the
  software works.

      < FROM: 2015-07-01| TO: 2015-09-04>

   I created detailed documentatin for the L.D.N.F.S articulated-body
   simulator: in form of video, as well as text (in HTML fortmat for easy
   online-reading as well as printing, with figures drawn by me and nice
   HTML tables ).
   While doing so, I accidentally discovered some facts about the
   Lagrangian Equations of Motion and their use in a numerical simulation.
   I investigated a bit, and deviced my first theorem on Analytical
   Mechanics and my first theorem on Differential Equations: although the
   simulator doesn't need theme as it relies only on my first theorem on
   Numerical Methods to function, these other 2 theorems come in very
   useful for a clearer and much more solid documentation on how the
   software works.
   All information is on the default homepage of the simulator,, where it has it's own dedicated
   section. To be sure, the documentation-videos shall be linked also on
   the simulator's page on for the eventuality of
   accidental shortages of the
   WARNING: the video-documentation consists of 3 parts, as indicated in
   the titles too! - so don't miss any of them out when all 3 parts are
   ready. Thank You for Your attention. The documentation book (it's
   actually like a book) will yet take some time to complete... but it's
   on it's way: however, since articulated-body dynamics is a topic which
   interests comparatively few people, some slowness in writing the
   documentation book is excusable.

   video attachment n.14:

   image not available.

  13 )
  Release (as open-source software) of the articulated-body simulator which I
  have developed years before ; now tidyed up and reverted into its
  implementation in standard C. I have called the simulator Lagrangian Dynamics'
  New Flavour Simulations: the documentation-page is on my hompage.

      < FROM: 2015-07-01| TO: 2015-09-04>

   I released (as open-source software) the articulated-body simulator
   which I have developed years before ( described in experience-point n.3
   ) ; now tidyed up and reverted into its implementation in standard C. I
   have called the simulator Lagrangian Dynamics' New Flavour Simulations:
   the documentation-page is on my hompage
   For a quick overwiev of the simulator, I made a short
   video-presentation of it, linked below as well as on it page on .

   video attachment n.13:

   image not available.

  12 )
  Development of a fast simulation method for articulated bodies exhibiting
  mid-oscillations (i.e.: for the simple pendulum, stay withing 60 degrees
  displacement). It's reviewed by my second theorem on Numerical Mehods.

      < FROM: 2015-06-01| TO: 2015-07-04>

   A sort of neural problem in the brain, I had been battling with for a
   few years, had culminated before being arrested by a chemical cure
   which was discovered. I realised that I was changed a lot. As a matter
   of fact, I was a new person: probably because of some neural
   alterations which the illness eventually produced. Anyway just a change
   of personality, however heavy it be.
   What was not changed, is the fact of being subject to a sort of
   constraint-force driving me to stick to the Scientific Method.
   I soon realized that what had changed instead was, that I did not hate
   mathematics so much anymore, and that most of the doubts I used to have
   about it, had disappeared.
   I had now an utterly strong interest in Applied Mathematics.
   By simply applying the definition, I understood that it was time to
   And just as a many-tons airplane at some point gently takes off and a
   new landscape to discover is in front of it, I had turned into a new
   person and a new life, full of discoveries, was in front of me.
   So. I rewised complex analysis, and begun to explore more advanced
   topics on differential equations, and wanted to contribute : I realized
   that my first theorem on Numerical Methods could be used to device a
   very fast way to numerically solve for the Lagrangian Equations of
   Motion in the case of a 3D articulated body (or anything similar), in
   the case it exhibits mid-oscillation (oscillations a bit larger than
   small-oscillations). So, I deviced a second theorem of mine on
   Numerical Methods: which defines the above-mentioned method, and allows
   also to analytically study the equations of motion. As a corollary, I
   added the way to generalize the method to systems of n-th order
   differential equations, which so define also a new class of
   not-so-complicated differential equations.
   With this results at hand, I plan to make a nice small, minimalistic
   C++ module to do fast simulations of articulated bodies exhibiting
   mid-oscillations. Since in the meantime I had been playing around also
   with various types of differential equations, some ideas occured to me.
   I also resumed in fact an idea I had had in the past few months:
   devicing some semi-relistic animation technique for articulated bodies.
   I have now some results I am going to test soon, for 2 different areas:
   1 method for 3D articulated bodies, another for the animation of either
   cloth-like things, flags, tissues, or things like ropes.
   Since the purpose of these methods is to provide a simple way to
   achieve some compromize between serious realism and just good look, I
   became interested in making mini-games too.
   In the meantime I also deviced an alternate proof for my first theorem
   on Numerical Methods. It's nice to have 2 different proofs for the seme
   things: so there is choice for different tastes. After all, it's we,
   human beings that do the mathematics: and we have different tastes and
   To change topic, I also started to evalute some nice application of the
   terrain-rendering Algorithm I deviced before: I realized that a nice
   flight-simulator would be the most appropriate.
   I bacame interested in aerodynamics too: after all, if a new life has
   begun, also some new fields of interest must begin, even without
   deleting the preexisting ones: but just causing them to be seen from a
   new point of view.

   video attachment n.12:
   not made.

   image not available.

  11 )
  Creation and release of a variant of the Simplified Terrain System Algorithm I
  developed before: to create the Height-data Injection Enabled
  Simplified-Terrain-System Algorithm

      < FROM: 2015-05-01| TO: 2015-06-04>

   I investigated the Simplified Terrain System Algorithm I developed
   before, to see if random data could be injected into the procedure from
   time to time, to literally simulate the rendering of a heightmap which
   can be accessed in a fully ideal full-streaming fashion. An
   investigation I undertook because with the standard algorithm (the New
   Terrain System Algorithm as it is referred to in the paper documenting
   both variants) would make it very hard to inject height-data into the
   polygonal surface representing the terrain, as detail is added in some
   region of it.
   I deviced my theorem 5 on polygonal surface approximation to prove that
   it's possible, and to get to the procedure which say how to do it.
   The landscapes it creates look fairly natural: so the 'experiment' - so
   to speak - succeeded. For the rest, the seme things hold true as for
   the Simplified Terrain System Algorithm: details are found in the paper
   documenting it (on and in the
   previous point of this Curriculum (and video attached to that point).
   Very important the video here, so let's cut the verbal expalation short
   As I stated in the previous point, the variant of the terrain-rendering
   Algorithm at the basis of this one cheats - so to speak - while going
   from one distribution of more and less detailed areas ( a blockset as
   it is called in the paper), to another. It cheats in as much it can not
   add detail everywhere, but only in a special subset of regions. This is
   not a problem itself since such 'cheating' solutions mekes the overall
   Algorithms faster ; but rather than saying that it's not a problem, I
   wanted to outline the extent to which this fact of cheating impacts on
   the visual quality of the polygonal approximation of the surface as it
   changes dynamically.
   After considerable amount of theoretical investigation, I deviced a
   theorem, my theorem 6 on polygonal surface approximation, which grants
   that the Algorithm works always well, even if not always equally well.
   It also oultines how much 'flexibility' it currently has in changing
   the amount of detail the various portions of the surface being
   rendered. This is a very interesting point, but this is not the place
   to discuss it.
   So, said shortly, the nice thing is that not only the rendering system
   works as expected, but also that the theorems underlying its operation,
   namely my theorems n. 0,2,4 and 5 on polygonal surface approximation,
   provide a full and complete framework to work with polygonally
   approximated surfaces, including static and semi-random
   surface-modeling, alongside with real-time rendering of it, clearly.
   While theorem 6 says how and why it works and in which contexts ; and
   says that the theoretical and practical use of this framework in the
   context of polygonal surface approximation (or computational geometry
   more in general), is equal to that of the Laplace-transform in the
   context of the theory of differential equations.

   video attachment n.11:

   image not available.

  10 )
  Creation and Release of the implementation in C++, of a simplified but faster
  variant of the Terrain- Rendering or polygonal surface-approximation Algorithm
  which I deviced before

      < FROM: 2015-04-01| TO: 2015-05-04>

   I had the idea that step 3 of the the terrain-rendering Algorithm I
   developed before (referred to as New Terrain System) could be replaced
   by a series of checks put into step 1 and 2 to cheat in the way to
   enforce the passage from a legal blockset to another legal blockset. I
   deviced my theorem 4 about polygonal surface approximation, and using
   it, created and implemented (in C++) the Simplified Terrain System
   Beside being considerably faster than the original Algorithm (referred
   to as New Terrain System), it has some rally interesting properties,
   which are not discussed here but are adressed in the video-attachment
   and in later investigations.

   video attachment n.10:

   image not available.

  9 )
  Release of the implementation in C++, of the Terrain- Rendering or polygonal
  surface-approximation Algorithm which I deviced throughout the past 2 years

      < FROM: 2015-04-01| TO: 2015-05-04>

   I released the implementation in C++, of the Terrain- Rendering or
   polygonal surface-approximation Algorithm which I deviced throughout
   the past 2 years. It can be downloded from the following link:
   Both the multi-threaded and the simple implementation are available.
   Furthermore, there are other 2 packages in which, upon the terrain
   there's the module for the visualization of a multi-level network of
   roads. A module which I had developed before (You find a describtion of
   it, which video-attachment too, in this curriculum)
   For this, I added also a little module which puts some trees here and
   there on the terrain, to make it look more natural.
   There's also a composite package in which, above the terrain (with
   possibly a network of roads on it), it's possible to go around with
   vehicles featuring semi-realistic motion.
   The documentation and the release of a simplified version of the
   terrain-module is being prepared. This notwithstanding, the
   developments don't finish here, because meanwhile I accidentally
   discovered another property reguarding the poligonalization-scheme of a
   surface, used by the Algorithm: and I am devicin my 4th theorem on
   polygonal surface approximation. A theorem which should make it
   possible to device a simplified version - which works well anyway -,
   which is a bit lighter than the orignal one, but which is simpler,
   shorter, and which does not need the first theorem, which is a bit
   This, beyond the importance from a theoretical point of view,
   consitutes a turning-point from the point of view of a clear and simple
   documentation. A documentation which may be also certainly funny for
   many: provided that after a simplified variant of the Algorithm, the
   full variant is easier to understand inasmuch the underlaying concepts
   have already been introduced throughout a simplier Algorithm, which,
   however, differs from that only by one passage... which passage,
   however important it may be, is only one single passage.

   video attachment n.9:
   not made.

   image not available.

  8 )
  Learning of 2 new professions, to adapt to the Jobmarket's severe crysis: web
  development and development of digital systems using Verilog as main design
  tool, on an FPGA board

      < FROM: 2015-05-15| TO: 2015-01-22>

   Having clearly seen that the job-market for men called to Algorithms at
   heavy depths went down, I moved on to learn parallelly 2 new
   professions ;
   without of course any intention to ever stop dealing with Algorithms.
   Read the more recent point to find out what I did in Algorithms
   1. with the help of a friend I learned the basics of Web development
   with PHP, SQL, HTML and SVG (for the graphics).
   Then I created the site designed to host the ever first scientific
   articele featuring figures procedurally generated with PHP scripts:
   "The Nerd of Algorithms",
   A site intended to serve as a sort of nerds' paradise: a portal of
   various materials concerning Algorithms at various depths, 3D
   Rendering, discussions of nerd life, up to Numerical Methods, dynamics
   of articulated bodies (mostly Lagrangian Dynamics) and
   2. Parallelly with point 1, I moved on to learn the development of
   digital systems with FPGA technology, using the Verilog
   hardware-describtion-language as the primary design-tool. Aiming at
   reaching a discreet level of ability in this field.
   It may seem rather casual as a step, since most people who deal with
   FPGA technology are engineers, while I'm usually seen as a theorist.
   But actually the decision was the result of a lenghty and careful
   evaluation done with scientific method. And not a quickly improvized
   decision done under the disorienting effect of the job-market's severe
   crysis here in Europe. If anything, Verilog and FPGAs is something so
   different from my usual fields of activity, that at least it
   introduiced something new.
   Not being 12-16 years' old anymore, it was all more difficult: I needed
   to go throught a very intense training to arrive at something
   meaningful. As You may know, Verilog is considered difficult becuase
   it's intrinsecally massively parallel - while no of the typical
   programming languages to which an algorithmist is used to, is really
   like this. And thus a consolidated practice with Algorithms and
   programming languages such as BASIC, C of C++, can be more evil than
   good. Because Verilog looks similar to a programming language, but it
   is not: it describes hardware, it describes a digital system ; and not
   anything like a procedure.
   As a theorist, I followed a deductive approach, being very careful not
   to miss out anything vital. At the beginning I just went through the
   chapters of a book teaching the basics, but I knew that most
   substancial part of the task would come after that.
   Most material on Verilog in fact discusses it without gradually
   introducing the Reader to parallelism in digital systems, neither does
   it discuss much how to use it to develop systems with an FPGA at hand.
   Even if these things are vital.
   So I deviced a true teaching-programme to teach it to myself
   efficiently. So, I set myself to develop, using an FPGA, a
   full-featured VGA monitor driver with incorporated text-output and at
   least some 2D, hardware-accelerated graphics. Which have a hard-wired
   part that, assuming the use of 1 or 2 CPU-based units to run
   Bresenham's line-drawing Algorihtm, produces filled triangles at very
   good speeds. A simple architecture in which there is some parellel
   memory management, and there are also sequantial parts where correct
   synconization is vital.
   A simple system, but enough complex to get me heavily into the stuff.
   I soon encountered the typical problems of designing complex digital
   systems in fact: most importantly the phenomenon of metastability, to
   be avoided by doing a good timing of how information propagates
   througout the system. It was a true frontal collision, since most books
   on Verilog only mention it marginally and discuss only very simple
   systems, which clearly fail to cast light on how to behave while
   designing something more complex.
   Eventually I learned at least discreetely how to diagnose
   metastability, and how to find out its cause, and finally how to work
   out a good design which avoids it. I also familiarized further with
   Verilog's intrinsic parallelism: the only thing which I had got right
   about it at the beginning.
   It took me several months, and I found it very difficult ; but
   eventually it worked fine: that's why it was all not a casual decision
   to try learning it. Since also theorists can do some good with FPGAs ;
   if anything, the design of digital systems with Verilog is very
   challenging because it's so different from Algorithms or programming or
   anything like that.

   video attachment n.8:
   not made.

   image not available.

  7 )
  Creation of a 3D, free-roaming off-road racing game using the C++ programming
  language ; combining the Terrain- Rendering Algorithm I developed before and
  some semirealistic car animation

      < FROM: 2015-03-15| TO: 2015-03-22>

   I took the multithreaded C++ implementation of the Terrain- or surface-
   Rendering Algorithm I developed before, and used it to make a full
   renewn remake of the first 3D game I made several years before, a
   racing game called CTruck3D: the remake is called New_CTruck3D_Rally.
   It can be downloaded from here (in form of C++ sourcecode ready to
   compile on *nix systems):
   Usually men called to Algorithms don't have time and enegy left for
   making videogames, even if an Algorithm's potential is often best
   illustrated by what it can do in a videogame.
   But I had the semiralistic car simulation- and animation- routines
   already ready to use from the time I wrote them packed in C++ classes
   when I was yet a Videogame nerd and had not yet become a nerd of
   Algorithms. So I just did the effort of combining togather the 2
   modules: terrain-rendering and more-less realistic imitation of a car's
   motion. It has al the most crucial funcitonalities, but I hope anyway
   to release soon a more refined version.
   Well, a tribute to videogames is absolutely worth it, however hard it
   be: even becase I came to Algorithms from videogames.
   Have lots of fun!

   video attachment n.7:

   image not available.

  6 )
  Implementation (in C++) with multithreading of the terrain- or surface-
  rendering Algorithm which I developed before in a sequantial fashion.

      < FROM: 2015-02-01| TO: 2015-02-20>

   I made an enhanced implementation of the previously developed Terrain-
   or Surface- Rendering Algorithm, using multi-threaded programming (with
   the C++ programming language as usual in my case). It's really better,
   just as I had expected.
   For the full describtion, please have some patience: I will insert it
   Anyway, there is the video-attachment: and I've put quite some effort
   in making it clear, nice and fun: the video attachment is funnier than
   a short describtion, and of course it also goes into much greater
   detail on the topic.

   video attachment n.6:

   image not available.

  5 )
  R&D; to get better the previously developed terrain- or surface- rendering
  Algorithm: now computatinal weight and memory usage were directly proportional
  to the total amout of detail visualized in the current camera-shot

      < FROM: 2014-12-01| TO: 2015-01-30>

   Using my second theorem about terrain-rendering ( or polygonal
   approximation of surfaces ), I made the definitive version of the
   terrain-rendering Algorithm I had developed before.
   A simple method which anyone can undersand and use, easily.
   This version, by itself does not add anything to the previous one, but
   makes it lighter (less operations needed for 30 FPS). Both the
   computational cost, and memory usage are directly proportional to the
   amount of detail which happens to be in the current camera-shot.
   Where "amount of detail" is simply the number of blocks typical of the
   method ( video attached to the previous exp-point explains this).
   Just as it was expected, the computational cost of the Algorithm does
   NOT depend on the terrain's size ; and the terrain can be as large as
   desired, of course: which was one of the objectives, since a good
   algorithm should not put any particular limitation on the size of the
   dataset on which it operates.
   (e.g. a good sorting algorithm doesn't stop at 1000 names to sort
   Here is a review-list of the Algorithm's features:
   0.Terrain as large as diseired: it is a method which accesses heightmap
   data in full-streaming. Much over 8k x 8k. For terrains smaller than 8k
   x 8k instead, it can work out-of-core.
   1.Unlimited draw-distance: from a proper spot, the whole terrain can be
   2.Memory usage and computational cost nearly constant: max 16 MB of
   memory circa, and computational cost k*n where n is the numbero of
   blocks in the current camera-shot. Concretely, on a 2 GHZ computer,
   until 3000 blocks it goes flawless ; on a 600-1.6 GHZ computer, until
   1500 blocks it goes flawless.
   3.It adjusts the level-of-detail (LOD) according to the point of view
   and perspectivic constant: thus it has nearly flawless LOD transitions.
   The paper illustrating entirely this Algorithm, is being made: all
   details which don't fit here, will be provided there. I made a video
   illustrating the thing at least as an impression ;
   for the rest there will follow other 2 papers going into greater

   video attachment n.5:

   image not available.

  4 )
  R&D; to develop a new rendering Algorithm tuned for large terrains: one which
  be fast, and use little memory.

      < FROM: 2014-08-01| TO: 2014-12-01>

   Some time before I had acquired consistent experience with the use of
   the approach to the rendering of large terrains pioneered by Peter
   Lindstrom and cooperators ; and I had worked out some enhancements, and
   implemented them. According to the tests I made, the enhancements were
   good, but both the implementation and the very Algorithm as a whole was
   too long and complicated, and the performance was poor as also the
   abuse of memory was heavy. I gathered some documentation about a
   significanty enhanced method developed later by P.Lindstrom himself
   togather with V.Pascucci, but the documentation about it did not
   suffice to me to use their results directly and moreover I was
   discouraged by the heavy memory usage which still persisted in the
   enhanced method.
   After some investigation, I found out that the primary cause of the
   difficulties was the datastructure at the basis of the Algorithm: a
   tree-like structure... a quad-tree. So I proceeded to develop an
   Algorithm which arrives at the seme result - a triangulated surface -
   but through a completely different procedure, much shorter and much
   more efficient: and one that abandones completely the datastructure and
   the basis of the original method... the quad-tree.
   It uses instead a simple vector (intended as a row of containers of the
   seme type).
   And the number of operations done by the rendering procedure depends
   rigorously only on the number of blocks currently present in the
   rendering: where the "blocks" are those of the original method... and
   as few as 1000-2000 blocks suffice to produce an excellent rendering.
   The video-attachment shows the complete program and explains the
   principle of operation in detail.
   The radical change in the foundations required in practice to do
   everything at the contrary. I did not have other chance than proceeding
   with mathematical proofs. First I proved that all would be possile as a
   whole, then I wrote the new (View-Dependent) terrain-rendering
   Algorithm: but shorter,simpler,and more efficient.

   video attachment n.4:

   image not available.

  3 )
  R&D; to establish a collision-detection method for a special type of
  non-convex polyhedron (very useful for 3D maps)

      < FROM: 2014-04-01| TO: 2014-07-30>

   Research and devlopment about a method of 3D rendering and contact
   detection specialized in a type of non-convex polyhedron: those
   typically made up by a usually curvilinear segment of road. I started
   out from an idea already partially implemented into Algorithm in the C
   programming language, years before; and tested successfully.
   Then I went on to develop a complete and coherent library for the C++
   programming language, that provide support for the creation of programs
   similar to Google Maps(R), but entirely 3D, with a multilevel Network
   of Roads (so undepassages, high-passages and normal roads all supported
   with no particular limitations) ; where each segment can be
   curvilinear, and if needed can have variable width, variable lateral
   steepiness and other features varying along its path.
   The fact of being 3D would not be very useful if the network of roads
   could not be eased to stay on a more-less rough approximation of the
   terrain in the nearbies: in fact the support for this is in-built.
   The video-attachment shows it all in action.
   The purpose of this library was to combine the above-mentioned features
   with an easy-to-use mouse interface with informative labels overlaied
   to the 3D scenario, advanced colouring of alternate paths, and of
   course a little collection of Algorithms for the search of
   shortest-paths and similar things.

   video attachment n.3:

   image not available.

  2 )
  Research and Development in the field of 3D simulators: development of a
  simulation-procedure in C/C++, for the dynamics of articulated bodies ; a
  procedure entirely based on the Lagrangian Dynamics, but now deprived of all
  its inconvenients in the context of 3D simulators

      < FROM: 2013-01-01| TO: 2013-06-30>

   Theoretical research followed by implementation of an enhanced variant
   of the physics engine I had developed before: entirely based on the
   Lagrangian Dynamics, but this time without any of the weaknesses of
   this method in its classical flavour, and with a heavily enhanced
   numerical stability and maximum preservation of the significant digits.
   Originating so a simulation engine specialized in articulated bodies
   but without any limitation in this field. I implemented several test
   simulators with it, of which the most significant was the simulation of
   a 4-wheeled vehicle, 14 degrees-of-freedom, with no approximations.
   I started also to design a variant of the engine software, intended for
   a possible future release as open-source library separately for C and
   C++ programming language, easier to use but limited to articulated
   bodies featuring only typical jointing mechanisms ( prismatic, hinge,
   spherical, universal ) .

   video attachment n.2:
   not made.

   image not available.

  1 )
  Programming in C/C++, in the field of Algorithms

      < FROM: 2013-01-01| TO: 2014-01-01>

   Starting from a preexisting basic exposure to 3D graphics- and
   game-engines, I chose a branch of them to get deeper into. I chose the
   Terrain Rendering topic, useful for driving- and flight- simulators.
   Since at that time I had already grown a certain interest in Algorithms
   in general, I chose a method that be interesting as such: I favourited
   the approach pioneered by Peter Lindstrom and company, I wrote it in
   C++ from zero, and eventually I adapted it implementing a procedure
   that be optimized and particularly sharpened to be run "in background"
   thanks to multithreading. I acquired even further practice with the
   OpenGL graphics library. The Video-attachment shows and comments it.
   Frequenting that method, a quite colorful algorithm, had sharpened my
   sense and interest for the field of Algorithms, in a broad perspective:
   so, after this experience I've always spared some time to commit to
   Algorithms, including Numerical Methods too, with particular reguard to
   Optimization and the exploitation of Multithreading.

   video attachment n.1:

   image not available.

  0 )
  Research and Development on the possibility to apply the Lagrangian Dynamics
  in the numeric simulation of the motion of 3D articulated bodies, and
  programming in C/C++ of a simulator based on that method

      < FROM: 2010-01-01| TO: 2013-01-01>

   Research and development on the possibility to apply the Lagrangian
   Dynamics to the simulation of articulated bodies in 3D videogames and
   similar applications ; followed by the effective implementation in the
   C programming Language of a simulation procedure (physics engine)
   entirely based on that approach. It was fully functional but still had
   2 weaknesses typical of the Lagrangian method: implementing various
   test simulators, I had started to evaluate the possibility to develop
   an alternative variant that have no of theese weaknesses.
   To get ready for a second stage of research and development, I
   encapsulated the physics engine devised, into a class of the C++
   programming language : this contributed to make the future developments
   faster. In short, I had laid the foundations for what later became by
   main area of expertise. I went heavily into Numerical Methods and the
   question of Optimizaion (speed of execution / performance of the
   Moreover, the use of the Generalized Coordinates - intrinsic to the
   Lagrangian method - had sharpened my attention towards the effect on
   simulations, of the limited number of significant digits that each
   variable has in a numerical simulation.

   video attachment n.0:
   not made.

   image not available.
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