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Is Psychiatry "Fake Science"?
Stress and so-called mental health issues have been in `pandemic' mode?
By Mark Keenan
Global Research, July 24, 2023
Theme: History, Science and Medicine
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With the seemingly endless fear-generating narratives of the
corporate-owned mass media in relation to catastrophic CO2-induced
climate change; virus pandemics; nuclear war; or whatever else they can
come up with to keep you shivering under your sheets - is it any wonder
that stress and so-called mental health issues have been in `pandemic'
mode? The modern-day solution to such problems is to go to your doctor,
and he prescribes some `bio-pharmaceutical pills' that he probably does
not know the actual ingredients of. If the pills do not numb your
worries, the doctor will happily send you to `mental health services',
where a psychologist or psychiatrist gives you a diagnosis and all the
pharmaceutical `help' you need. This `pop a pill' process has become
ingrained in modern society.
Even many school kids and students today are on a daily regime of
behaviour control pills or antidepressants. God forbid your children
display normal behaviour of energetic play and discovery. Now our kids
are supposed to be docile automatons of the new world order technocracy
- to sit in class and learn nonsense that CO2 is killing the planet,
accept fake science and fake history, and that we must be vaccinated to
survive the next `plandemic'. Such misinformation amounts to child
The book Godless Fake Science and the previous article Godless Fake
Science demonstrate that much of the scientific narrative we have been
taught from our school days onwards, is based on falsehood, and that
the institution of `science' itself has in many ways been hijacked by
financial interests seeking to advance their own narrative and agenda.
This article asks the question does modern-day psychiatry belong to the
category of fake science?
`Psyche' means `of the soul'. Therefore, the discipline of psychology
should really involve the study or `the science of the soul'. The
original (not altered versions) of the ancient scriptures of the world
have already described the science of the soul in great detail. In
contrast to this ancient wisdom for human wellbeing, modern day
psychology and psychiatry is steeped in the profit-making and
drug-pushing agendas of bio-pharmaceutical corporations. It appears to
me modern-day psychiatry has more to do with corporate profits and
behaviour control than real science or real mental health.
The reality is that no medical test exists for any so-called "mental
disorder". Psychiatrists, medical doctors, and psychologists worldwide
prescribe many different drugs based on same symptoms. This is
An example of the potentially detrimental impact of this subjectiveness
was recounted to me some years ago when I happened to meet a clearly
intelligent man who had worked as a scientist for a state agency of the
Government of Ireland. This man had been detained against his will due
to a single opinion, that of the family doctor, in circumstances that
appeared to be contentious, and was committed as an involuntary patient
to a mental institute. He described to me some of the horrors of the
experience and that, whilst he was detained, he was force-fed
pharmaceutical drugs that he did not wish to take. Note that all such
drugs come with potential side-effects that can be mild or serious.
Thus, a single doctor's opinion that you are mentally ill can have
major ramifications.
This man later wrote about his horrific experience in a highly critical
analysis of Irish psychiatry. His article was published by the Irish
Times newspaper, in an article titled Psychiatric diagnosis not
scientific but subjective, see Endnote [i]. He pointed out that
"psychiatric diagnoses are based on the subjective interpretation of
behaviour by third parties". The person is then seen as a "faulty
object", with a chemical imbalance requiring a certain type of pill.
The diagnosis can have a very dehumanising effect on someone, along
with the stigma of a mental illness that actually has no scientific
basis associated with it. The person is led to believe what these
"experts" are saying.
Worse still your children can be taken away by the `system' if they are
`deemed' to be suffering from a mental disorder, see Endnote [ii]. A
psychiatrist makes the decision as to whether your child is mentally
ill or not. For example, the Irish Citizens Information portal states:
"If the voluntary patient is a child and the parents or guardian want
to remove them, the professional may have the child detained and placed
in the custody of the Health Service Executive (if the professional
considers that the child is suffering from a mental disorder)."
Revealing Quotes About Psychiatry and the Controversial DSM-IV Classification
The following quotations easily sourced online are from academics,
psychiatrists, psychology teachers, and doctors, and provide a notable
condemnation of modern-day psychiatry:
[Note: DSM-IV codes are the classification found in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.]
"There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or
exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have
a mental disorder.... there is no definition of a mental disorder....
It's bull--. I mean, you just can't define it." -- Allen Frances,
Psychiatrist and former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman
"DSM-IV is the fabrication upon which psychiatry seeks acceptance by
medicine in general. Insiders know it is more a political than
scientific document... DSM-IV has become a bible and a money making
bestseller--its major failings notwithstanding."-- Loren Mosher, M.D.,
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
"It's not science. It's politics and economics. That's what psychiatry
is: politics and economics. Behavior control, it is not science, it is
not medicine."-- Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus
"everyone with an interest in mental health should at least be aware of
the Szaszian critique of the mental health industry... medicine is a
real science that deals with biological phenomena, especially cellular
pathology... Now take a look at the DSM and one will immediately note
that the DSM is not based at all on cellular pathology... For many of
the conditions, organic explanations are to be RULED OUT in order for a
DSM diagnosis to be given... Crucial for Szasz is that the attribution
of disease then legitimizes in psychiatrists and other mental health
professionals the power of social control. By labeling others as
"sick", we can lock them away, force drugs upon them, and separate them
from "normal" people like us because there is something fundamentally
wrong with them. And we can justify it all in the name of science. But
really it is about social control. The mental health industry
manufactures illnesses to legitimize and feed itself and it serves
those in power via social control of deviants.... according to Szasz,
the science of mental sickness is all metaphor and the emperor has no
clothes.... while the Emperor might not be completely naked, it seems
to me he is often down to his skivvies." - Gregg Henriques, Ph.D.,
directs the Combined Clinical and School Psychology Doctoral Program at
James Madison University.
"In reality, psychiatric diagnosing is a kind of spiritual profiling
that can destroy lives and frequently does." -- Peter Breggin,
"...modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the
genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness... Patients [have]
been diagnosed with `chemical imbalances' despite the fact that no test
exists to support such a claim, and...there is no real conception of
what a correct chemical balance would look like." -- Dr. David Kaiser,
"There's no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say,
`I have a biochemical imbalance,' I say, `Show me your lab tests.'
There are no lab tests. So what's the biochemical imbalance?" -- Dr.
Ron Leifer, Psychiatrist
"Virtually anyone at any given time can meet the criteria for bipolar
disorder or ADHD. Anyone. And the problem is everyone diagnosed with
even one of these `illnesses' triggers the pill dispenser." -- Dr.
Stefan Kruszewski, Psychiatrist
"No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That's
not what diseases are. Diseases are malfunctions of the human body, of
the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brain. Typhoid fever is a
disease. Spring fever is not a disease; it is a figure of speech, a
metaphoric disease. All mental diseases are metaphoric diseases,
misrepresented as real diseases and mistaken for real diseases." --
Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, best known for coining
the term the "myth of mental illness
"It has occurred to me with forcible irony that psychiatry has quite
literally lost its mind, and along with it the minds of the patients
they are presumably supposed to care for."-- David Kaiser, Psychiatrist
"All psychiatrists have in common that when they are caught on camera
or on microphone, they cower and admit that there are no such things as
chemical imbalances/diseases, or examinations or tests for them. What
they do in practice, lying in every instance, abrogating [revoking] the
informed consent right of every patient and poisoning them in the name
of `treatment' is nothing short of criminal."-- Dr Fred Baughman Jr.,
Paediatric Neurologist
"Psychiatry makes unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness,
anxiety, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily
biologic and probably genetic in origin...This kind of faith in science
and progress is staggering, not to mention naive and perhaps
delusional." -- Dr. David Kaiser, psychiatrist
"In short, the whole business of creating psychiatric categories of
`disease,' formalizing them with consensus, and subsequently ascribing
diagnostic codes to them, which in turn leads to their use for
insurance billing, is nothing but an extended racket furnishing
psychiatry a pseudo-scientific aura. The perpetrators are, of course,
feeding at the public trough."-- Dr. Thomas Dorman, internist and
member of the Royal College of Physicians of the UK
"I believe, until the public and psychiatry itself see that DSM labels
are not only useless as medical `diagnoses' but also have the potential
to do great harm--particularly when they are used as means to deny
individual freedoms, or as weapons by psychiatrists acting as hired
guns for the legal system." -- Dr. Sydney Walker III, psychiatrist
"The way things get into the DSM is not based on blood test or brain
scan or physical findings. It's based on descriptions of behavior. And
that's what the whole psychiatry system is."-- Dr. Colin Ross,
"No biochemical, neurological, or genetic markers have been found for
Attention Deficit Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression,
Schizophrenia, anxiety, compulsive alcohol and drug abuse, overeating,
gambling or any other so-called mental illness, disease, or disorder."
-- Bruce Levine, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Commonsense
"Unlike medical diagnoses that convey a probable cause, appropriate
treatment and likely prognosis, the disorders listed in DSM-IV [and
ICD-10] are terms arrived at through peer consensus."-- Tana Dineen
Ph.D., psychologist
"The greater the number of treatment facilities and the more widely
they are known, the larger the number of persons seeking their
services. Psychotherapy is the only form of treatment which, to some
extent, appears to create the illness it treats." - Dr. Jerome Frank of
the Johns-Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore
"Psychiatry and psychology are the most lucrative professions in
America, and among all professionals, the highest suicide rate is found
among psychiatrists and psychologists" - Chaitanya Charan das, Author
Was Psychologist Sigmund Freud a Fraud?
"The entire system of classical psycho-analytical thought rests on
nothing more substantial than Freud's word that it is true. And that is
why the late Nobelist in medicine Sir Peter Medawar famously condemned
that system as a stupendous intellectual confidence trick." - Frederick
Crews, Professor Emeritus of English, University of California
Sigmund Freud
Let us consider the work of the famous Jewish psychologist, Sigmund
Freud (1856-1939), upon which much of modern-day psychiatry and
psycho-analysis is based. His ideas have had a significant impact upon
modern society. In his writings Freud confesses to a definite sexual
longing for his mother, and because of this he assumed that all men
did. This unscientific piece of Freudian perversion was promoted to
such an extent it became embedded into modern-day psychology. Why
should the whole world have to accept this theory based on Freud's
confession of his own perverted state? Throughout human history such
thoughts have been considered by traditional society as being
preposterous and morally unacceptable, but to Freud it seemed
completely natural. Freud said:
"I have found in my own case too, the phenomena of being in love with
my mother and jealous of my father, and I now consider it to be a
universal event... ".
Freud's notion is unscientific and lacking a shred of evidence, yet the
entire rest of the world has been painted into the picture of Freudian
psychology. Freud also asserted that it would better for people if they
had sexual relations with both genders. Again, this was asserted with
no evidence. In fact, many scientists and academics have questioned the
legitimacy of Freudian psychoanalysis, for example, Frank L. Cioffi of
Princeton University author of the book Freud and the Question of
Pseudo-science. The following are revealing comments about Freud by
prolific academics and notable personalities:
"He [Freud] was for many years an enthusiastic user [of cocaine] to the
point where his nose bled and became filled with pus - which he treated
with more cocaine...Freud's friend Ernst von Fleischl-Marxov
(1846-1891) had become despairing addict after Freud had prescribed
cocaine as medicine for a painful hand tumor. There is no doubt that
the addiction brought about his early death.... Freuds neurotic
dysfunctions manifested themselves in unusual behavior patterns and in
psychosomatic ailments - particularly those affecting the mouth, the
genitals and the anus... more often than not he was chronically
depressed and bad tempered." - David McCalden (1951-1991), Writer
"No one has yet evaluated the hallucinatory effects of cocaine on
Freuds mind during the formative years of psychoanalysis. Without
cocaine, could Freud have created such improbable flights of human
fancy?" - Martin L. Gross, writer and former Associate Professor of
Social Science at New York University.
"[On Freudian theory] "I think it's such a narcissistic indulgence that
I cannot believe in it" - Sophie Freud, grand-daughter of Sigmund
Freud, PhD from Florence Heller School for Social Welfare
"A major contributor to the present-day tendency to accept and
encourage homosexuality is Dr. Sigmund Freud... In other words,
homosexuality was no longer to be considered an illegal form of
debauchery or perversion in which one willingly engaged a person of his
own sex..." - Dr. Tim LaHaye, Author
"I don't want an elderly gentleman from Vienna with an umbrella
inflicting his dreams upon me" - Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977),
novelist, critic, from an aristocratic Russian family
"[Freudian belief and psychoanalysis] were never a science. Freud was a
fashion, and then he became unfashionable, completely absurd." - Sonu
Shamdasani PhD, a historian of psychology and a research associate at
"To me, psychoanalysis is a hoax - the biggest hoax ever played on
humanity. By showing who analysts are, how they work, what they
believe, and what they have done, I hope to show Freud as a fraud. If I
succeed, I am idealistic enough to hope that the world may return to
the belief in love, ideals, good taste and courtesy - the `books' that
have been burned by the Freudian Inquisition." - Edward R. Pinckney MD
"The seduction stories that provide the proffered empirical basis of
the Oedipal complex were in fact a construction by Freud who then
interpreted his patients' distress on hearing his constructions as
confirmation. Freud then deceptively obscured the fact that his
patients' stories were reconstructions and interpretations based on his
a priori theory. He also retro-actively changed the identity of the
fancied seducers from non-family members (servants, etc.) when his
oedipal story required fathers instead... What started out as
speculation in need of empirical support ended up as a fundamental a
priori assumption.
Now 100 years after its inception, the theory of the Oedipal complex,
childhood sexuality, and the sexual etiology of neuroses remain without
any independent empirical validation.... the idea that children would
have a specifical sexual attraction to their opposite sex parent is
extremely implausible... Freud has been the most overrated figure in
the entire history of science and medicine, one who wrought immense
harm through the propagation of false etiologies, mistaken diagnoses,
and fruitless lines of inquiry... psycho-analysis has a lot to answer
for... since its inception, psycho-analysis has been denounced as a
By the early 1960s philosophers of science such as Michael Polanyi,
Karl Popper, Ernst Nagel and Sidney Hook had noted the
self-authenticating nature of psychoanalytical assertion. More
recently, highly critical accounts of psychoanalysis from Henri
Ellenberger (1970), Frank Sulloway (1992/1979), Adolph Grunbaum (1984),
Frank Cioffi (1969, 1970, 1972), and most recently, Malcolm MacMillan
(1991) have appeared."
- Professor Kevin MacDonald PhD, Department of Psychology CSU-Long
"They are translating this Freud's philosophy, pig civilization." -
Srila Prabhupada, Renowned Spiritual Leader and Vedic scholar
"I think that Sigmund Freud had sexual conflicts within himself which
he did not resolve. His belief in constitutional bisexuality, for
example, was an excuse for certain personal traits." - Dr. Harold M.
Voth, a Freudian psychiatrist at the Menninger Foundation
"I dimly sensed some slight feminine aspect in his manner and
movements." Modern critics suggest that present-day Freudians are
influenced by Freud's "feminine, passive feelings" so much that they
"regard masculine assertiveness and aggression as a neurotic
manifestation." - Freud's biographer, Ernest Jones
"No one has yet evaluated the hallucinatory effects of cocaine on
Freud's mind during the formative years of psychoanalysis." - Martin L.
Gross, author of The Psychological Society
"Dr. Voth is convinced that Freud displayed `a considerable degree of
femininity' in his personality, a trait that has colored the entire
profession by making what he calls the `neurotically troubled' Dr.
Freud a model... Those driving needs have infiltrated the psyche of
millions of individuals as well, remaking much of our personalities in
his image. By offering his catalog of foibles as the symbols of
normality, Freud achieved immortality...
The portrait that emerges is one of a man driven by the furies of
hostility and envy, weighed down by depression, death wishes, phobias
and severe debilitating neuroses. He was professionally distorted by
his extreme surreptitiousness and gullibility -- the antithesis of a
man of science. Freud the man is more the unhappy philosopher than the
intrepid researcher who society thought would unlock the key to our
confused behavior."
- Jewish author Martin L. Gross and Dr. Harold M. Voth, a Freudian
psychiatrist at the Menninger Foundation
"There is little question but that a good deal of the impetus for the
discovery of psychoanalysis came from Freud's general hostility toward
Christianity..." - Stanley Rothman, in an article Group Fantasies and
Jewish Radicalism published in the Fall 1978 issue of The Journal of
"The psychoanalyst Sandor Ferenczi reports a statement by Freud from
1932 that referred to patients as "rabble" and "only good for
money-earning and studying." From 1884 onward, Freud was in effect a
snake-oil salesman. He then began experimenting with cocaine... Michel
Onfray, an author who wrote a comprehensive and critical monograph on
Freud in 2010, documented deaths from his gross misdiagnosis...
Psychotherapy was a potpourri of techniques lifted from previous
colleagues, laced with a heavy dose of sexual fixations, most of them
exclusively Jewish in nature... Soon using a charade of the scientific
method, Freud began to surmise that most of his patients' problems were
sexual in nature...
Freud obviously experienced Oedipal lust... he then suffered the
delusion that his abnormality was normal and universal... Freud told
his colleague Karl Abraham that "too many of us are Jews. I don't want
Psychoanalysis to become a Jewish national affair....
The Israeli philosophy professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz went even further
and held that Freud psychoanalysis was "primarily a Jewish money-making
scheme", and that's a "bad sign for (us) Jews." He went on to say that
psychoanalysis was "entirely in the hands of the Jews" and has "brought
unspeakable suffering to millions of people."
- Richard Boyden, in an article which he says is based in part on David
McCalden's treatise Exiles From History, see Endnote [iii].
Conclusion: It appears the profession been infected by a disciplic
succession of Freudian quackery.
The Sex Delusion
In addition, Freud and his financial backers promoted the concept that
orgasm is necessary for health. Such Freudian narratives have
proliferated in this current sex-dominated culture, and some people
are, thus, under the impression that the more sex, the better it is for
their health and wellbeing.
We all have freewill to make our own personal choices, however, it
appears to me that this assertion by Freud's also has no scientific
basis. In regard to this I note a book titled Brain Gain by the
American writer, academic and spiritual leader, Dr. Dane Holtzman,
better known as Danavir Goswami. The book provides evidence that the
opposite is the case - that overindulgence in sex can lead to health
disorders, including nervous disorders, via loss of vital bodily
fluids. It is asserted with references from physicians that wasting
vital bodily fluids decreases vitality and immunity because it involves
the loss of precious proteins, lipoids, cholesterin, and minerals.
It is cited that dozens of geniuses throughout history practiced
celibacy for this reason, including Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle,
Beethoven, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pascal,
Spinoza, Kant, Thoreau, Handel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Sidis, Tesla,
who all lived celibate lives to transmute their sexual energy into
intellectual development. In the spiritual domain, Jesus Christ,
Sukadeva Goswami, prophets Elijah and Elisha, John the Baptist, and
many more were celibate. Chaste women of prolific fame include, Joan of
Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Florence Nightingale, Draupadi, Sita, Saint
Teresa, Emily Dickinson, Mirabai, Saint Catherine, Mother Teresa and
the Virgin Mary.
"To control the sexual impulse efficiently has always been and ever
will be regarded as the highest test of human wisdom" - Auguste Comte,
French Philosopher
Note also that cholesterol is a vital substance in the brain. In fact,
the brain has the highest cholesterol content of any organ in the body.
Most of the brain's cholesterol exists in the axons of nerve cells.
According to a 2014 study, titled Cholesterol in brain disease:
sometimes determinant and frequently implicated, see Endnote [iv].
"Cholesterol is essential for neuronal physiology, both during
development and in the adult life... defects in brain cholesterol
metabolism may contribute to neurological syndromes."
It is also commonly known in the sport of boxing that a fighter, in
order to retain his strength, should not engage in sexual relations
before a fight. It appears there is valid science behind this
instruction. If we accept the research detailed in Brain Gain, then
Freud's popularized assertion has most probably resulted in an increase
in mental health problems! Could it be that Freud was actually the one
with a mental disorder? Why he was compelled to talk endlessly of
perversion? Karl Jung, a psychiatrist who founded analytical
psychology, noted the following:
"Freud never asked himself why he was compelled to talk continually of
sex, why this idea had taken such possession of him. He remained
unaware that his monotony of interpretation expressed a flight from
himself..." - Carl Jung, Psychiatrist
Freud's work is also an inversion of original Christian values and of
traditional values that existed world-wide for thousands of years,
including the values of ancient Vedic cultures.
"... the body is not for fornication... Flee fornication... he that
committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? Know ye not
that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which
ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" - (Bible: Book of 1st
Corinthians 13, 18, 19)
"The union, then, of male and female for the purpose of procreation is
the natural good of marriage. But he who makes a bad use of this good
who uses it bestially, so that his intention is on the gratification of
lust." - Saint Augustine, Christian Saint
"The practice of chastity is counselled by Christ, taught by His
example, and practiced by the Apostles." - Saint Francis, Christian
"Adultery and fornication are forbidden for a number of reasons. First
of all, because they destroy the soul; "He that is an adulterer, for
the folly of his heart shall destroy his own soul."... which is
whenever the flesh dominates the spirit... Thirdly, these sins consume
his substance, just as happened to the prodigal son in that `he wasted
his substance living riotously." - Saint Thomas Aquinas, Christian
"When veerya [vital fluid] is not used, it is all transmuted into ojas
sakti or spiritual energy and stored up in the brain... loss of memory,
premature old age, and various nervous diseases are attributable to the
heavy loss of this fluid" - His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda
"... in Vedic times, sex was meant for procreation, not recreation....
We would do well to remember that our so-called primitive ancestors
were not brainwashed by the maddening media blitz saturated with covert
and overt sexual overtones... Apart from sanctified procreation, the
institution of marriage was meant for gratification of the bodily sex
drive in a regulated, religious way. This would gradually help both the
spouses to realize the futility of all bodily enjoyment and help each
other to advance together on the journey back to Krishna (God). " -
Chaitanya Charan das, Author
In contrast to the modern sex-culture, original scriptures inform us
that sex should be reserved only for the creation of children.
Furthermore, and tragically, the frantic culture of
carnal-gratification in modern times seems to have degraded our most
precious faculty - love itself. How can young men and young women find
a stable path in such an environment? The ephemeral nature of it all is
likely to leave a void in the heart.
For example, in ancient Vedic cultures young men were trained as a
brahmacarya until the age of 25. Brahmacarya life involved conduct
consistent with the divine path of God-consciousness; and becoming
expert in learning, military arts, administration, spiritual
counselling, etc., according to each man's individual qualities. By
remaining celibate until the age of 25, men became physically and
intellectually stronger not weaker - their energy was not wasted on
promiscuity and needless sex. At that point many men would then marry
and sex was only then for the purpose of raising a (God-conscious)
family - it was not to be done needlessly. Vedic culture also utilized
specific dietary habits to avoid stimulating sex desire, see Endnote
[v] for details.
The Climate Politics of Milk - Seeking Sustenance for a Healthy Brain
In ancient times, cows were revered and they provided the miracle food
of high-quality cholesterol-rich milk with all the nutrients the human
body needs, and which was beneficial to the brain and higher thinking.
Ancient brahmans and sages could live on milk alone. To this day, in
Ayurvedic medicine ghee, which is made from milk, it is used to improve
memory and reduce mental tension. For thousands of years mankind drank
raw milk - any impurities can be eliminated by simply boiling it prior
to drinking it and this is the best way to drink milk. The cows were
not vaccinated, and the milk did not go through the modern
enzyme-destroying process of pasteurization, which can make the milk
harder to digest for some people. In ancient cultures worldwide, cows
were not regarded as mere commercial commodities to be sold and
exploited, rather they were an essential part of a functioning
Modern-day commercial dairy farming can involve the use of growth
hormones, man-made chemicals, pesticides on the farm, vaccination of
the cows, GMOs, etc.; and it appears to me the milk is of poorer
quality for it. We have consumed raw milk for at least 5,000 years, but
today it is illegal in various countries to sell or produce raw milk -
for example, this is the case in Canada, under the Food and Drug
Regulations since 1991. I note also that in the US, in 2011, Judge
Patrick J. Fiedler made an astonishing unjust ruling, where he judged
"no, plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume
the foods of your choice... no right to contract with a farmer... no
right to own a cow". Three weeks later, he resigned from his position
as a judge and joined a law firm that represents Monsanto, a major
producer of rBGH growth hormones for commercial dairy cows, see Endnote
[vi]. In response to such injustice, some towns in the US have been
approving food sovereignty initiatives that allow food producers to
sell food without federal or state interference.
I note also the current UN-inspired, plan, voiced by the Irish
Department of Agriculture, and the Irish Environmental Protection
Agency, to kill 200,000 dairy cows in Ireland in a murderously deluded
attempt to stop manmade climate change. The reality is that methane
emissions from cows do not cause climate change. See also the book
Transcending the Climate Deception Toward Real Sustainability. There
are many farmers and independent groups in Ireland that know this, yet
the Irish government appears to have shut out all debate on climate
change, and it seems will pay 5,000 euros ($5,622) for each cow killed,
in this psychotic onslaught. Psychosis being defined as an acute or
chronic mental state marked by loss of contact with reality.
What Causes Depression? Links Between Toxicity in the Body and Mental Health
I am not doctor, I am not here to provide medical advice, this article
is simply based on my own experience and initial research, yet I note
the words of Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus (1920 -
2012) best known for coining the term the "myth of mental illness. He
"No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That's
not what diseases are... All mental diseases are metaphoric diseases,
misrepresented as real diseases and mistaken for real diseases."
Was Szasz correct in his analysis? Tens of millions of people are
prescribed bio-pharmaceutical drugs to address so-called mental health
issues. such as depression, anxiety etc. However, it appears to me that
such drugs do not address the underlying cause of such issues.
Furthermore, it seems that no one really knows what exactly causes
depression. We hear about factors such as biochemical imbalance,
stress, and genetic predisposition, but where is the scientific basis?
Could there be another cause not acknowledged by the profession? What
about environmental factors?
Consider that industrial globalization has produced many substances
that are registered as pollutants, including thousands of new man-made
chemical compounds, toxins, nano-particles and genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) that are in violation of the scientific pre-cautionary
principle. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the human body
has never been exposed to these new substances so we do not know the
long-term effects. UN environmental law instruments are largely
impotent in safe-guarding human health and nature from the vast scale
of rampant corporate technological pollution. Instead, the UN focuses
on the bogus manmade climate change due to CO2, and methane from cows,
agenda, see this article.
I note that depression has been linked to the proliferation of toxins
that exist in the modern environment that we are exposed to. A study
titled Environmental Chemicals and Nervous System Dysfunction published
in The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, see Endnote [vii], states:
"The etiology of many neurological and/ or psychiatric disorders is
obscure or completely unknown. Affected patients frequently have
nonspecific complaints that are easily passed off as being minor,
temporary, psychosomatic, due to stress, etc. However, these same
subtle symptoms may be the first signs of intoxication with
environmental and occupational chemicals. The medical community should
become sensitized to considering nervous system toxicants as a source
of these otherwise unexplainable symptoms, and evidence for
occupational and environmental exposures must be included in the
differential diagnosis of neurological diseases. The toxicity of the
compounds mentioned in this review is now well known, but they may
represent only the "tip of the iceberg."
Exposure to toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and arsenic are
known to cause anxiety and/or depression. Government literatures do
warn us of neurotoxicity, for example, the US National Advisory
Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council website, see Endnote [viii],
"Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or manmade toxic
substances (neurotoxicants) alters the normal activity of the nervous
system. This can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons (nerve cells)
which are important for transmitting and processing signals in the
brain and other parts of the nervous system. Neurotoxicity can result
from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment,
drug therapies, and organ transplants, as well as exposure to heavy
metals such as lead and mercury, certain foods and food additives,
pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics, and some
naturally occurring substances."
It appears that the neurotoxic factor is rarely considered by doctors
or psychiatrists in relation to mental health and depression. This may
be because environmental health is not usually taught in medical
education. To make matters even more complicated, a depressed mood is
actually a common side effect of the bio-pharmaceutical medications
that are prescribed to combat depression, see Endnote [ix].
The Psychology of the Soul
Remember `psyche' means `of the soul'. According to psychotherapist
Neal M. Goldsmith Ph.D: "Before Wilhelm Wundt opened the first
experimental psychology laboratory in 1879, there was no academic
discipline of psychology separate from philosophy and biology. Perhaps
it should have stayed like that for a while longer at least."
In conclusion, it appears to me that modern-day psychiatry is fake
science and that for our wellbeing we need to re-embrace the true
`science of the soul'. It can only benefit us to remember our true
identity as an eternal soul - as children of God - that is the science
of self-realisation. Wellbeing is the natural psychological state of
the God-conscious soul, and despite external circumstances, the soul
itself is never damaged by external temporalities. In this realization
the self is protected from the mental ills of this current topsy-turvy
world of chaos, fake science, and greed. Furthermore, a common thread
in both the Christian scriptures and the ancient Vedic scriptures is
that God protects his sincere devotees.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in
barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they?" - Matthew 6:26
"We know that God's children do not make a practice of sinning, for
God's Son holds them securely, and the evil one cannot touch them." -
John 5:18
"this very Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme controller,
the supremely worshipable, all-cognizant, fully determined, fully
opulent, the emblem of forgiveness, the protector of surrendered souls,
munificent, true to His promise," - from the Nectar of Devotion by
Srila Prabhupada, Spiritual leader in the tradition of Vedic
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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy
and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He
is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization
He is author of the following books available on Amazon:
* Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real
* CO2 Climate Hoax - How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment
* No Worries No Virus
* Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers
* Godless Fake Science
* Godless Fake Science and the Vedic Path of Truth
[i] Source:
[ii] Source:
[iii] Source:
[iv] Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4253844/
[v] The Vedic diet referred to involves the avoidance of meat, fish,
eggs, garlic, onions, alcohol, coffee, tea and tobacco, all of which
are aphrodisiacal stimulants. Note that eminent Danish nutritionist
Mikkel Hindhede (1862-1945), stated "we must conclude that sex in its
ordinary manifestation among civilised human beings is not the product
of natural instinct that it is generally supposed to be but is a
chemotropism evoked or conditioned reflex (in Pavlov's sense) evoked in
response to aphrodisiacal stimulation by foods and beverages,
especially animal proteins, alcohol, coffee, and also tobacco. This
tropistic reaction, in both its physical and psychical aspects, is
subject to voluntary control through diet, an alkaline-forming, low
protein vegetable diet reducing it, while an acid-forming high-protein
met diet increases it."
[vi] Information on the Fiedler Ruling is available at
http://axley.com/patrick-j- fiedler
.pdf referenced in the article A dangerous link: Toxic chemicals and
depression https://phlabs.com/a-dangerous-link-toxic-chemicals-and-depr
[viii] Source:
[ix] This is described in an article by health care professionals at
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright (c) Mark Keenan, Global Research, 2023
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